Cakesmash photo shoot

In your baby’s first year, there are many special milestones to celebrate and document. Their first weeks as a tiny newborn baby, the first time they sit up… and before you know they’re already celebrating their first birthday! That calls for a fun cakesmash photo shoot to celebrate it in a special way!

During a cake smash photo session I make photos of your baby with a birthday cake and some festive decoration. They can smash the cake and eat it with their hands. These photos are also perfect to use for his/her party invitations.

Cakesmash photo shoots usually take place in my studio in Brussels.

Generally I start by taking pictures without cake, so that you immediately have some beautiful portrait photos of your baby. Once that’s done, your child will receive the cake and the Cake Smash photo shoot will turn into a little party!

After the cakesmash your baby can take a bath, while playing with the water and bubbles. This is another opportunity for me to make photos and add some variation to your photo gallery.


  • 295 EUR + price of the cake
  • I can order the cake from one of my favorite suppliers or you can bring one yourself
  • 10 digital high resolution file – that you can choose from your personal gallery
  • Accordeon photo album


  • You get to take the cake home afterwards so that you can enjoy it together with your family
  • Access to my client wardrobe
  • Access to the underground parking
  • All photos will be shared via a personal online gallery where you can you can select your favorite photos from your shoot
  • Additional photos can be purchased for 20 EUR
  • Possibility to order prints, wall decoration & albums.
Lenoir Photography